Director, Business Strategy & Planning
Rakesh works with the clients to plan for their future growth & expansion and achieve greater levels of efficiency. He works with the company leadership at the thought level to get their business strategy right. His efforts primarily focus upon defining the purpose of the business, its key success drivers, and the annual business targets. He ensures the business performance gets measured upon the key operational metrics each month and further reviews that with the company management. He drives towards breaking down the company goals into department level goals, and further into individual goals for key employees. Additionally, he puts a pre-emptive governance & control structure in place to avoid any potential aberrations from the defined performance standards. He works with the company management to eliminate the undesired entropy from the system, and that leads to the business deriving one-hundred percent benefit from its existing scale & expanse of capabilities.
He is a chartered accountant and an economics graduate. Before turning a consultant, he worked with HSBC, Ernst & Young, GE Capital and Bharti Airtel over a longish corporate stint.