BUSINESS HEALTH CHECK-UP: GOVERNANCE & CONTROLS Welcome to your GOVERNANCE & CONTROL Health Checkup Name Email Phone Number Do you deliver most of your customers orders "on-time, in-full" YES NO NA None Do you address all your customer complaints within the promised turn-around time limits YES NO NA None Do you strictly maintain alignment between the sales plan, production plan and procurement plan YES NO NA None Is there a detailed listing of activities required to be carried out at each department YES NO NA None Are there people who are clearly made responsible and accountable for each activity within each department YES NO NA None Is there a "Delegation of Authority" matrix defining the scope of authority at various levels in the organisation YES NO NA None Are company processes lean & efficient enough without any extraneous or duplicate activities YES NO NA None Do you have a communication matrix that defines frequency & scope for communication with key stakeholders YES NO NA None Do you periodically conduct a SWOT analysis for each department YES NO NA None Do the department heads meet at pre-defined frequency to thrash out inter-department issues YES NO NA None Does the management conduct a department level review to evaluate each department's monthly performance, goals for the next month, risks & challenges faced, and support required YES NO NA None Is there a reliable mechanism to capture market intelligence YES NO NA None Do you have an escalation matrix to resolve issues & conflicts YES NO NA None Do you have an independent internal audit function reporting directly into the MD YES NO NA None Do you have any audit observations that have not been resolved for more than 6 months YES NO NA None Do you have a strict "information security" policy to safeguard company's confidential information YES NO NA None GREAT! YOU HAVE ANSWERED ALL THE QUESTION. PLEASE SUBMIT . Time's up