More often than not, solutions to most complex problems lie hidden in plain sight.

We just need to wear the right glasses to spot them.

Who Are We?

Outgrow is a young boutique consulting firm that strives to solve complex business management problems for its clients. Over the last several years, our clients have trusted us over & over again for our core capabilities in solving challenges related to strategy, organisation design, operations framework, financial performance, human resources, and corporate governance. We enjoy highest levels of trust with our clients, having built with them relationships that are responsible, enduring, and rewarding.

Common Challenges We Help Overcome

Employees having discussion

Our Approach

End-to-End Solutions

Our intervention with the client does not end at publishing a Solution Paper. We stay with our clients until the desired end gets fully achieved. We work closely with the client’s team through the execution phase as well, instead of leaving the on-the-ground implementation of the solutions to be done on their own.

A Truly Collaborative Approach

We don’t pretend to know the clients’ business better than them. As we go through the journey of organizational transformation, we ask for help wherever required to identify and pre-empt risks & challenges, and keep the management updated regularly with the progress achieved.

Deep Domain Expertise

All our team members are qualified professionals with a deep understanding of the finer nuances of their respective domains.

Change Management

Any change in underlying processes and approach will require change management at the ground level. Through necessary trainings & communication, we ensure that all the impacted parties have fully understood & accepted the change, thereby increasing their commitment to the new processes, procedures, goals, and skills.
Define | Measure | Analyse | Fix | Sustain

Our Services

Business Transformation

Different businesses need (or want) to transform for different reasons
  • Some may need to transform because they are currently challenged by serious productivity issues. Their actual performance may consistently be far below their built-in potential, because of reasons ranging between people, processes, technology, internal controls, corporate governance, or more. A simple exercise in identifying the reasons for shortfall in performance followed by contriving & implementing the right fixes may become mandatory to sustain the business.
  • Some other businesses may need transformation because they are staring into an existential crisis and unless they carried out some strict measures, they may become a thing of the past.
  • Some others may need transformation because they plan to diversify into different businesses to reduce the risk of concentration and create a sustainable business model.
  • Some others may need to transform because they are standing at the cusp of unleashing the next phase of growth, and before that happens, they just need to ensure they have everything that is required to manage that phase of growth successfully, perfectly in place.

So, depending upon the precise nature of transformation, Outgrow supports the transformation efforts of its clients to get them the desired results.

Human Resource Consulting

Outgrow’s “Human Resource Consulting” focuses on building a credible workforce for the business, by improving employees’ retention, enhancing workforce productivity, creating a framework for performance management, developing talent & leadership, and creating an organization design that serves the long-term workforce needs of the business.

Strategy Consulting

Business Strategy is the Core Intelligence or the act of Critical Thinking & Decision-Making behind the business. It is the Intelligence of Things (IOT) in the business. It sits on top of Operational Excellence to define how your business will stand out as UNIQUE compared to the competitors. Outgrow’s “Strategy Consulting” focuses on weighing the various alternatives and making conscious & informed decisions about the “next set of multiple moves” for generating superior economic performance. It’s about building a delivery or servicing model that sets high entry barriers and hence is difficult for competitors to imitate.

Operational & Financial Consulting

Outgrow’s “Operational & Financial Consulting” focuses on accelerating the speed of doing business, minimizing transaction cycle-time, minimizing working capital requirements, identifying & mitigating business risks timely, superior cash flows, cost savings, revenue maximization, efficiency gains, zero frauds & pilferages, and hence better net profit margins and ROI for the business.


The perpetrators of surreptitious corporate frauds begin slyly with observing trends closely to spot easy loopholes within the Internal Controls Framework, with the solitary intent of making personal gains at the cost of the employer. They contrive smart ploys to outwit the system and usually work in cohorts to conceal their acts for years on end. By the time their acts get discovered, the loss to the company’s exchequer is already humongous. Outgrow works with businesses to minimize or near-eliminate any chances for such frauds or willful errors being committed.

Board Related Services

The Board of Directors is a group of very special people, and hence they need to be treated in a special way. Invariably, Directors are busy people, with most of them being in full-time pursuit of their own successful ventures. With only limited time available at their disposal to glance through the core matters of the company, they would rather utilize it judiciously & effectively.

Outgrow helps organizations run successful Board Meetings and minimizes the time required to be spent by Board Members on non-value-add activities.

Investor Related Services

An Investor has one basic expectation from the Promoter in the post funding phase. They expect the promoter to keep them updated on a regular basis. And that’s a fair expectation. Afterall, the Investor spared their money for the Promoter’s business based upon certain promises being held out about the company’s future performance. The Investor has a definite Right to Information about the ongoing performance of the business and whether the promises held out by the Promoter are being met or not. The Investor always longs for someone whom they can trust for putting the True & Accurate Information on the table for their review. And that’s where Outgrow plays a critical role, providing the investors with all the information & intelligence that they truly need to review.

Transaction Advisory

From cradle to grave, consummating a buy/ sell transaction takes mighty prep-work, both on the buy side and the sell side. On the buy side, the potential investors are looking to invest their time and money only into businesses with seemingly rewarding prospects. On the sell side, the investees want to make their business look like “a great investment destination” for potential investors. It requires specialized professional services at both the ends for the deal to be consummated. Outgrow’s “Transaction Advisory Experts” understand the finer nuances of working on the either side of the transaction.

Data Analytics

Here’s the thing with high-quality data. For data to be reliable & useful, it must tick 4 critical checkboxes.

  1. It is “Accurate
  2. It is “Complete
  3. It is “Presented Timely
  4. It is “Detailed Enough

Even if one of the boxes does not get the mandatory tick, the data renders itself worthless for any degree of reliance.

You may hire the best accountant and implement the most advanced ERP. However, it may all go a waste if you don’t focus enough on generating data that can be trusted upon 100%. And that certainly won’t happen by default. It requires a concerted effort.

Outgrow’s Data Analysts ensure that the client’s management gets to review data that has gone through rigorous checks, ticks all the stated checkboxes, and presents incisive information about the business affairs.